Learn the benefits and virtues of honey in Islam
In general, honey is the gift of the tireless labor and service life of millions of bees. The bees roam the flowers, collecting pollen and sweet juices and placing them in the stomach. Then the saliva secreted by the bee's mouth is mixed with honey to form a complex chemical reaction. It is then deposited in the beehive from the mouth. In the Qur'an, honey is called 'nahl' in Arabic terms. There is a separate surah with this name in the Holy Qur'an. In verse 69 of Surah Nahl, Allah Ta'ala says: "Yakhruju mimbutuniha sharabum mukhta lifun alwa nahu fihi shifaul linnasi." Meaning: Drinks of different colors come out from his stomach. It contains remedies for human diseases. Honey is both medicine and food. Madhu is called Birre Elahi and Tibbi Nabbi. That is, it includes divine medicine and the provisions of the Prophet (peace be upon him). In verse 15 of Surah Muhammad, Allah Ta'ala says: "A clear stream of honey will flow in Paradise." D...